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6 Must-Know Benefits of Earth-Friendly Pickup Bags

It can seem like plastic is everywhere we look, from bags and food packaging to beauty products and kitchenware. It’s used because despite being horrible for the planet, it’s cheap, durable, and easy to work with. Given how ubiquitous and easily accessible plastic has become, it can be hard to see a way of avoiding it day-to-day. 

One of the trickiest things to replace with something more planet-friendly are small plastic bags, particularly if you’re a dog owner and need something for picking up after your pet multiple times every day. The answer? Our sustainable pickup bags.  

Read on to find out why our earth-friendly pickup bags are so beneficial!

Earth-Friendly Pickup Bags

1. They are biodegradable

They’re naturally hypoallergenic, meaning they’re ideal for those with sensitive skin or allergies to some materials and chemicals. You can also use them on little ones without fear of damaging their sensitive skin.

2. You only need one!

How many times have you used a thin plastic pickup bag only to find your hand smells (yuck!) or the plastic rips, and so you have to use two. Our bags are stronger than most plastic pickup bags out there, despite being made out of natural starches! Better still, if you do need two, such as for a large dog or when cleaning out a kitty litter box, you won’t feel guilty about it!

3. You can use them for anything!

While these biodegradable bags are made for pet poop, there’s no reason you can’t use them for other waste. For example, some of our customers have used them for throwing away food scraps when they don’t have space for a composter.

4. The environmental benefits go beyond the bags

Each purchase of our pickup bags funds the removal of ten pieces of plastic from the ocean, making it doubly beneficial for the planet! Our delivery process is carbon-neutral, too, so you can feel great about every order.

5. They cost the Earth less to manufacture

The process of gathering and transporting the materials needed to manufacture biodegradable bags requires less petrol than that of regular plastic. In the United States alone, 3% of petrol is used in the plastic manufacturing process. Petrol is a commonly used non-renewable resource, so it’s important to focus on the products that can be manufactured using as few non-renewables as possible.

6. No more microplastics

Plastic never fully decomposes, instead, it breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces, called microplastics. Microplastics can be found everywhere – from the peaks of mountaintops, to our waterways, and our drinking water. Since our compostable pickup bags are made using plant starches, no microplastics will be produced. contains microplastics.

A warning on greenwashing

Our eco-friendly pickup bags are made from plant starches, so they won’t harm the earth when they break down. However, many companies say their bags are biodegradable even when they’re made out of a form of plastic that will take decades or even hundreds of years to decompose. 

Whether you buy our bags or not, make sure you do your due diligence and look for options made from organic materials!

Earth-Friendly Pickup Bags
Earth-Friendly Pickup Bags

Shop sustainably

If you are looking for a more sustainable alternative to your average pickup bags, try our Earth-friendly pickup bags. They’re made from corn and plant starches, making them an excellent option for those who want to cut down on their everyday plastic use. If you’re ready to make other eco-friendly swaps in your life, our store contains everything you need to turn your everyday environmentally friendly.


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